TUTORIAL with Video Class Horned & Winged Bowl

TUTORIAL with Video Class Horned & Winged Bowl

3/23/18  Juicylicious color way added.

2/28/18  Tutorial Corrections:  For the red bowl corrections were made to pages 16 through 19.

                                            For the blue bowl corrections were made on page 35.

If you downloaded before 2/28/18 you will need to re-download and reprint the mentioned pages

My Apologies. Thanks to my customers for politely letting me know :)


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Back in 2013, inspired by Contemporary Geometric Beadwork, I designed a beaded bowl and it was a hit with my followers. I was asked many times to write a tutorial for it but it wasn't until late 2017 that I had an idea that would inspire me to make another and write a tutorial.   The original was the Peacock Bowl and the new version, my Black, White & Red All Over Bowl takes the design to a new level.  Both designs are included in the tutorial, illustrated directionals for the red version as it's a lot more complicated with patterns to follow than the peacock version where you only have to think about one color per row.  The Peacock Bowl allows you to dig through your Delica stash and use up all those small amounts left over from other projects...I tend to think of it as a patchwork bowl.  You will need a lot of Delicas...127g of Delicas in total, 45g of one color for the wings & rolls alone plus seed beads, 3mm pearls and fire polish rounds.


The 36 page tutorial has instructions for both bowls, with 70 illustrations, 12 photo illustrations plus a 2 1/2 hour companion video to take you through all the steps and show you some of my beading tips and tricks. This is a peyote project, no other stitches are used. 


The bowls measure 5 1/2" diameter by 3" tall.  

I provide all bead numbers and colors for both bowls.


You may sell items you make from my tutorial so long as you're not going into mass production. I do appreciate being given credit for the design.

Please do not share, copy, sell, or otherwise distribute this tutorial as it is a violation of my copyright.  I do not allow teaching of my designs without discussion and arrangement with me. If we all behave ethically the bead world stays a happy place. You will also find a link to my Facebook customer support group where you can ask me or my assitant questions on the tutorial you purchased and show us what you made.