TUTORIAL with Video Class Flamenco Needle Case
TUTORIAL with Video Class Flamenco Needle Case
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I'm not a lover of waste and I just culdn't bring myself to throw away the cute little corked tubes that Tulip needles come in.....and I know I'm not alone. So, what to do with them? Upscale! Make them fancy, dress them up and make them stand up. This is probably the most fun project I've done, as someone who hates making multiple of the same thing typically I struggle making a third one of anything but not this one. I have already made eight Flamencos and I'm still not bored with making them, in fact, I'd call them addictive.
All done in peyote stitch with a choice of flowers or spots this design utilizes different size beads to create waves of frills at it's base to give a feel of a genie bottle to our simple little tube. An elongated gemstone teardrop tops the lid and tiny firepolish (True2) and tiny pearls add a bit of flash.
This is a very fun and fast project. The tutorial has 19 pages and comes with a link to a 1 hour 38 minute video class where I take you step by step through the project. Kits are available. I include six colorways (more to come) with bead colors/numbers and links to suppliers.
You may sell items you make from my tutorial so long as you're not going into mass production. I do appreciate being given credit for the design.
Please do not share, copy, sell, or otherwise distribute this tutorial as it is a violation of my copyright. I do not allow teaching of my designs without discussion and arrangement with me. If we all behave ethically the bead world stays a happy place. You will also find a link to my Facebook customer support group where you can ask me or my assitant questions on the tutorial you purchased and show us what you made.